Full Information and History of Marry Christmas

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Full Information and History of Marry Christmas.jpg
Christians celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings are the foundation of their religion.

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    Christmas -: 

    Christmas is the annual celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, particularly on December 25th. This religious and cultural holiday is a mid-year festival of the Christian religion celebrated by billions of people around the world, the season of Advent (begins on the fourth Sunday before) or after the fast of the Nativity of Christ and it starts on Christmas, which is in West traditionally lasts twelve days. Christmas is a public holiday in many countries, celebrated religiously by many Christians and culturally by many non-Christians, and is an important part of surrounding celebrations.

    The pre-Christmas story described in the New Testament called the Birth of Jesus, states that Jesus was born in Bethlehem as a prophecy of the Messiah. When Joseph and Mary arrived in the city there was no more room in the guesthouse, so they were given a manger in which the Christ child was immediately born, the angel told the shepherds, and he told them.

    There are different opinions about the date of Jesus' birth and since the fourth century, the Church has set it as December 25th. This corresponds to the winter solstice in the Roman calendar. This is eight months after the announcement of April 25, the date of the spring equinox. Many Christians celebrate December 25th according to the Gregorian calendar, which is almost universal in the human calendar used in countries around the world. Still, a portion of the Eastern churches celebrate Christmas on December 25th according to the ancient Julian calendar, which is Today Gregorian January. Calendar .7. of month. For Christians, the belief that God came to earth to cover people's sins is the main reason for celebrating Christmas, rather than knowing the exact date of Jesus' birth.

    Holiday traditions related to Christmas in different countries have pre-Christian, Christian, and cultural origins. Popular holiday traditions today include gift giving; filling out an Advent calendar or list; carols and carols; watching Christmas movies; watching the birth drama; exchanging Christmas cards; church services; There is delicious food; and various Christmas decorations including Christmas trees, Christmas lights, nativity scenes, wreaths, wreaths, mistletoe and holly. In addition, many closely related and often interchangeable characters such as Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Santa Claus, and Christ Child have their traditions and knowledge related to bringing gifts to children at Christmas time. Because gift-giving and many other aspects of the holiday season contribute to economic growth, the holiday has become an important event and shopping season for retailers and businesses. 

    History -:

    Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is a religious holiday and an international cultural and commercial event. For two thousand years, people worldwide have celebrated religious and material cultures and traditions. Christians celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth, the spiritual leader whose teachings form the basis of their religion. Popular traditions include exchanging gifts, decorating the Christmas tree, going to church, having dinner with family and friends, and of course waiting for Santa to arrive. December 25 - Christmas Day - a federal holiday in the United States since the 1870s.

    In the 2nd century, the "records of the early church" show that "Christians celebrated and celebrated the birth of our Lord," a "tradition that arose from the actual worship of ordinary believers"; But "we will not decide on a date." The first evidence that Jesus Christ was born on December 25 is 354 sentences. Religious historians date this passage to Rome in 336 CE. Early Christian writers Irenaeus and Tertullian, as well as early Church fathers John Chrysostom, Augustine of Hippo, and Jerome, recognized December 25 as Christmas for four centuries. A fragment of the Commentary on the Prophet Daniel by Hippolytus of Rome (AD 204) gives the date of Jesus' birth as December 25, but this passage appears to be a later addition.

    Originally, the birth of Jesus was celebrated on January 6 at the same time as Epiphany. The main theme of this festival is not the birth of Jesus Christ, but his baptism. Christmas has been promoted as a revival of orthodox Christianity. The Arian Emperor Valens died in 378 at the Battle of Adrianople. It began in Constantinople in 379, in Antioch in the late 4th century, perhaps by John Chrysostom in 388, and in Alexandria in the following centuries. The Georgian language of Idgari indicates that Christmas was celebrated in Jerusalem in the sixth century.

    The history of imaginary religions -:

    From the above understanding of winter, the "History of Religions" hypothesis is that the Church established the Roman winter Natalis Solis Invicti. Day of the Invincible Sun") on December 25, because it was the birthday of Christ (the death of Natalis. ); Christi continued.  It was built in honor of Sol Invictus, the sun god who revived the cult of Emperor Aurelian in 274 CE. Rome hosts 30 chariot races each year. "The celebration was well worth the seven-day Saturnalia (December 17-23), Rome's most joyous festival in the Republic, feasting, banqueting, and exchanging gifts," said ancient history professor Gary Forsythe. In 362, Emperor Julian wrote his hymn to King Helios, recording that the festival of Agon Solis was held at the end of December at the end of Saturnalia.

    A Christian text attributed to John Chrysostom, dating from the early 4th century, describes the birth of Jesus and the birth of Sol:

    Our Lord was born in December, nine months before January [December 25]  but they [the pagans] call it a 'triumphant birth'. Who is truly invincible like our Lord? Or if they say that the birth of the Sun, it is the Day of Justice.

    The idea of an indefinite date was added to a 12th-century text by the Syrian bishop Yaqub Bar-Salibi. The author wrote:

    Pagans celebrate the sun's birthday on December 25 and light candles as a symbol of the festival. Christians also participate in these festivals and celebrations. Therefore, when the Doctors of the Church discovered that Christians were interested in the celebration, they sought advice and decided that a real birthday celebration was necessary.

    In the 18th century, on December 25, Isaac Newton proposed that Christmas fall on the winter solstice. In 1743, the German scholar Paul Ernst Jablonski suggested that the date was chosen to coincide with Natalis Solis Invicti. This hypothesis was first proposed by another German scientist named Hermann Usner in 1889.

    Steven Hijmans of the University of Alberta says the idea that the date was chosen to match a pagan celebration has "gained widespread acceptance". He agrees that the Church chose this date because it was the winter solstice, but argues that "although they knew that the pagans called this day the 'birthday' of Sol Invictus." And their choice." of dates for Christmas". Hijmans states that "while the winter solstice on or about December was well established in the Roman imperial calendar, there is no evidence that the religious celebration of Sol preceded the celebration of Christmas on that day". Thomas Talley argues that Aurelian established the Dies Natalis Solis Invicti in part to give this date its pagan significance, arguing that it was already important to Christian thought before Aurelian's order.

    Relationship to Concurrent Rituals -:

    Many of the popular customs associated with Christmas have developed independently to commemorate the birth of Jesus, some of which claim to have Christianized elements and trace their origins to pre-Christian festivals celebrated by pagan populations, Other scholars who later became Christians confirm this claim that Christian customs were largely developed in a Christian context. The prevailing Christmas atmosphere has also steadily evolved since the holiday's inception, from the sometimes rowdy, drunken, carnival-like atmosphere of the Middle Ages to the more restrained family-oriented and child-oriented atmosphere introduced in the 19th century to a favorable environment. Within some groups, such as the Puritans and Jehovah's Witnesses (who generally do not celebrate birthdays), celebrating Christmas more than once was forbidden because these concerns were too unbiblical.

    During the pre-and early Christian centuries, winter festivals were the most popular of the year in many European pagan cultures. Reasons include the fact that winter farming must be cut down, as well as the expectation that the weather will improve as spring approaches [98] Celtic winter herbs such as mistletoe and ivy, and mistletoe The practice of kissing in modern times, Christmas is generally celebrated in English-speaking countries.

    Pre-Christian Germanic peoples - including the Anglo-Saxons and Norse - celebrated a winter festival called Yule, held from late December to early January, which is why the modern English Yule, known today as Christmas, is used as a synonym. Many elements of modern Christian folklore and iconography in Germanic-speaking areas derive from Yule, including the Yule Log, the Yule Pig, and the Yule Goat. Odin, the long-bearded god who often leads spiritual processions in the sky (The Wild Hunt), is known in Old Norse texts as "Yule One" and "Yule Father", while other gods are known as "Yule Father" as Ko Yule Creature" ." are said to be." On the other hand, since there are no credible extant references to Christmas trees before the 16th

    Even in Eastern Europe, pre-Christian traditions are incorporated into the Christmas celebrations, an example is the colada, which resembles Christmas carols.

    Modern History -:

    In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries -:

    After the Protestant Reformation, many new denominations, including the Anglican Church and the Lutheran Church, continued to celebrate Christmas. In 1629, the Anglican poet John Milton wrote a poem called On the Morning of Christ's Nativity, which has been widely read at Christmas since Martin Luther "raised an era that would create a unique Christmas culture that was copied in North America,” according to California. State University professor Donald Heinz said, 'No. In the congregations of the Dutch Reformed Church, Christmas is celebrated as one of the Christian festivals.

    The calendar reform became a major point of tension between the Anglican Party and the Puritan Party.” The Catholic Church also responded by defining the festival - the fashionable Christmas for the maintenance of generosity. Charles I in the English Civil War.

    The protests followed pro-Christmas riots in several cities, and for weeks Canterbury was controlled by rioters who decorated doors with holly and chanted political slogans. The games banned by the Puritans on Sunday also used football as a rebellious force: when the Puritans banned Christmas in England in December 1647, the crowd protested against the wrong rules of the celebration. symbol. Vindication of Christmas (London, 1652) argues against Puritan and Old English Christmas traditions, which mention eating, roasting apples over a fire, playing cards, dancing with "plow boys " and "maidens" of old father Christmas and Carol Songs. During Prohibition, semi-secret religious services were celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, and people sang songs in secret.

    Keeping tradition -:

    Christmas Day is celebrated as a major celebration and public holiday in countries around the world, including most non-Christian countries. In some non-Christian areas, the celebration dates back to former colonial powers (such as Hong Kong); In other countries, Christian minorities or foreign cultures force people to celebrate the holiday. Countries like Japan, where Christmas is popular despite its small Christian population, have adopted many cultural aspects of Christmas, such as gift-giving, decorations, and Christmas trees. One such example is Turkey, where the Muslim majority is a Christian minority, where public streets are lined with Christmas trees and decorations.

    Countries with strong Christian traditions have developed different Christmas celebrations that incorporate regional and local cultures.

    Church Attendance -:

    Christmas Day (including the vigil and Christmas Eve) is a holiday in the Lutheran Church, celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church, and a major feast day in the Anglican community. Some Christian denominations do not list feast days. , but still loved Christmas Eve. Christmas Day, as well as other Christian holidays such as Easter, Ascension Day, and Pentecost. Therefore, for Christians, attending a church service on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day plays an important role in recognizing the Christmas season. Along with Easter, Christmas is also one of the most visited church events every year. A 2010 survey by LifeWay Christian Resources found that 1 in 10 Americans attend church services during this time. In the United Kingdom, the Church of England estimates that 2.5 million people attended Christmas services in 2015.

    Giving Gift-:

    Gift exchange is one of the highlights of the modern Christmas celebration, making it the most profitable time of the year for retailers and merchants around the world. At Christmas, people exchange gifts and gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, based on the Christian tradition of St. Nicholas. The Roman tradition of gift-giving with Saturn giving the cup to the baby Jesus may have influenced the traditions of Christianity, but the basic doctrine of the Christian "incarnation" firmly places it as a repeated but distinct which is a structural doctrinal phenomenon. The Biblical Magi "... with all the people who received the gift of God by rejoining the person in the divine life." However, Aurelian introduced this optional holiday on December 25 to cope with the increasing rate of Christmas celebrations in the Christian Church. Thomas J. Talley believed he was the Roman Emperor.

    Economy -:

    Christmas is usually the peak sales period for retailers in many countries around the world. Sales also increased as people bought souvenirs, decorations, and accessories for the festival. In the United States, the "Christmas shopping season" begins in early October. In Canada, businesses start advertising campaigns on Halloween (October 31) and boost their sales after Remembrance Day (November 11). The Christmas shopping season in the UK and Ireland starts in mid-November with the switching on of the Christmas lights on the high street. An estimated one-quarter of all personal spending in the United States occurs during the Christmas/holiday shopping season. According to the U.S. data Census Bureau, spending at department stores nationwide increased from $20.8 billion in November 2004 to $31.9 billion in December 2004; That's up 100 percent, 54 percent, and 170 percent in jewelry, according to U.S. data. Census Bureau. In the same year, employment in retail stores in the U.S. increased from 1.6 million to 1.8 million in the two months before Christmas. Industries that rely heavily on Christmas celebrations include Christmas cards, 1.9 billion of which are sent to the United States each year, and live Christmas trees, of which 20.8 million were cut down in the United States last year. 2002. It is estimated that each year the average American spends $920 on gifts alone. In 2010, £8 billion was expected to be spent online at Christmas in the UK; it accounted for nearly a quarter of total retail holiday sales.

    Who invented Santa Claus? -:

    The legend of Santa Claus can be traced back to St. In the 19th century. St. Nicholas left all his inherited wealth and walked the countryside helping the poor and sick, and was known as a helper to children and sailors.

    St. Nicholas first entered American popular culture in late 18th century New York, when he became the name "Santa Claus" honoring the death anniversary of the Dutch family "Sint Nicholas" (St. Nicholas in Dutch), or " Sinter Klaas" for short It came from this cover.

    In 1822, Episcopal priest Clement Clark Moore wrote a Christmas poem called "An Account of the Visit of St. Nicholas," and today it is best known for its first line, "The Night Before Christmas." He flies from house to house on his bicycle and delivers toys.

    The version of the image of Santa Claus as a pleasant man with a white beard and a sack of toys was immortalized in 1881, when political cartoonist Thomas Nast Moore's Old St. Nick used the poem they create that image Use what we know today.

    Christmas Facts -:

    Every year, 25-30 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States alone. There are about 15,000 Christmas tree farms in the United States, and trees are generally sold for four to 15 years.

    In the Middle Ages, Christmas was loud and noisy - much like today's Mardi Gras.

    When Christmas was over: From 1659 to 1681, it was illegal to celebrate Christmas in Boston, with a fine of five shillings for violators.

    On June 26, 2017, Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the United States.

    The first manufactured egg in America was incubated in 1607 on the Jamestown estate of Captain John Smith.

    The poinsettia plants were invented by Mexican-American priest Joel R. Schmidt. Poinsett, who brought red and green plants from Mexico to America

    The Salvation Army has been sending charity collectors dressed as Santa Claus into the streets since the 1890s.

    Rudolph, "The Most Famous Reindeer", 1939 by Robert L. This was a glimpse into May's imagination. A graffiti artist wrote a poem about reindeer to help lure customers to the Montgomery Ward supermarket.

    In 1931, the construction crew began the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree tradition.

    10 Interesting Facts About Christmas -:

    The holiday season is filled with traditions, some familiar and some unique. For many, Christmas involves a tree, greeting cards, parties, sharing food and gifts, and friendship. The history of how Americans celebrate the holidays is as varied and interesting as the community itself.

    1. 3 billion Christmas cards are sent to the United States every year.

    2. Christmas trees have been sold in the United States since the 1850s.

    3. The average Christmas tree takes about 15 years to grow.

    4. Alabama was the first state to officially recognize Christmas in 1836. In 1907, Oklahoma was the last.

    5. Santa Claus is based on a real person: St. Nicholas of Myra. He is the patron saint of banks, real estate, shipping, orphans, and the city of New York.

    6. Environmentalist President Teddy Roosevelt banned Christmas trees in 1901 at the White House.

    7. Approximately 35 million live Christmas trees are sold each year in the United States; More than 45 million trees have been planted.

    8. Holiday shopping in the United States accounts for one-sixth of all annual retail sales in the United States.

    9. "White Christmas," written by Irving Berlin, is the best-selling single of all time, selling more than 100 million copies worldwide.

    10. All presents during the twelve days of Christmas will equal 364 presents.

    Do you know these historical facts about Christmas? -:

    The history of Christmas goes back centuries, so obviously some of our favorite traditions go back a long time! Many of these traditions come from all over Europe, but in recent years we’ve seen some American traditions as well.

    Our favorite historic Christmas trinkets include:

    1. People send Christmas cards from 1843 -:

    The custom of sending Christmas letters dates back to 1843. At the time, Sir Henry Cole was a senior civil servant who helped set up the Post Office and wanted to encourage its use by the general public

    He invented the idea of Christmas cards, initially sold for just 1 shilling, and the practice gradually became more popular over the years! Now, almost 170 years later, we still love sending Christmas cards to our loved ones and family to wish them well and let them know about them!

    2. Largest Christmas gift ever sent 1865 -:

    Obviously, for most people, presents along with family and food are the best part of Christmas. But do you know what the greatest gift in history is? I guarantee it’s bigger than you expected!

    Gifted to the United States on behalf of France by Edouard de Laboulle in 1865 to commemorate their commitment to democracy and to honor the late President Abraham Lincoln, the Statue of Liberty was officially dedicated in 1886 and has become an iconic symbol of the United States!

    3. Jingle Bells was the first Christmas carol in space -:

    It’s a favorite song for many, but did you know that Jingle Bells have a special reverence? In 1965, the first song was produced in space. Yes, not just the first Christmas carol…but the first Christmas carol! It was circulated as a joke between the astronauts and those below during the Gemini 6A spaceflight.

    Did you also know that Jingle Bells was originally written for the American holiday Thanksgiving, not Christmas? The original title was "The One Horse Open Sledge."

    4. Tinsel comes from a real quilt -:

    Tinsel, one of the stars of Christmas decorations around the world, is known for being bright and incredibly elegant. But did you know that tinsel was originally made of pressed silver that created a sparkle effect? Yes, real silver!

    It was first used in Germany a century ago, but because silver tarnishes quickly, different metals were used over the years until we ended up with modern tinsel. It’s made using a variety of plastics, making it lighter and cheaper than using real metal.

    5. The original Christmas pudding recipe contains meat -:

    Christmas dinner is over and now you’re waiting for Christmas pudding to finish! We all know the tradition that whoever finds a silver coin in the pudding will be lucky, but did you know that Christmas pudding isn't always fruitcake?

    In the 14th century, Christmas pudding was a type of lamb and beef porridge, as well as spices, wine, raisins, and raisins. Over time, people gradually added wine with nuts and dried fruit, until finally arriving at the Christmas pudding we know today. In case you didn’t know, it’s meatless.

    Funny Christmas Culture -:

    Christmas is essentially a religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. But now it’s part of Western culture too! For many people, December is the month of Christmas and before Christmas, we do many things that have become part of our culture, such as gift-giving or Christmas markets.

    So we took a look at some of our favorite fun and interesting Christmas facts about Christmas culture!

    6. Santa doesn't always wear red -:

    A common myth is that Santa Claus was green before Coca-Cola used red in its marketing campaigns in the early 1900s. While this is true, in the 1970s American cartoonist Thomas Nast depicted Santa Claus in red. A modern image of Santa Claus with red cheeks a big belly, tiny glasses, and a beaming smile, for which we can truly thank Coca-Cola. I can’t imagine a Santa who isn’t red!

    An interesting fact about Santa Claus is that he was originally inspired by St. Nicholas and the Dutch Sinterklaas. On December 6 St. Nicholas dies and the Dutch celebrate Sinterklaas by giving gifts. Dutch Americans gave us Santa Claus by adding this tradition to Christmas in honor of their Dutch ancestors!

    7. Santa has his zip code:-

    We know that Santa has something important to do every December 24th and he knows where everyone lives. But you have a bad or good list! But did you know that even Santa has his zip code? Although Santa's home may be the North Pole, Canada has saved a zip code for kids to send their letters to.

    Each year Santa helps answer thousands of letters sent from all over the world to Canada Post Santa Claus, North Pole, H0H 0H0, Canada. So now you know where to send your letter next year!

    8. The word 'Christmas' does not begin with:-

    Given our love of letter abbreviations, you might think the word "Christmas" is a recent invention. But this spelling goes back to the 1500s! You may be wondering how this happens, and the explanation is simple!

    So the letter X in the Greek alphabet was a common short form for Jesus Christ. The 'month' of Christmas comes from the church service, so when you combine the two, you get Christmas, which means 'Christmas'! So there is no need to worry about using this word; Older than many of our favorite Christmas traditions!

    9. Rudolph was the inventor of marketing:-

    Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer has become an important part of the Christmas tradition and we all know that poor Rudolph is trying to meet Santa and his other reindeer. But did you know that they are designed for a marketing campaign? American department store Montgomery Ward wanted to make funny coloring books to give to children in 1939 and Robert L. McCarthy created this book. May was given the task of composing the poems for the book.

    Our beloved reindeer, Rudolph, was born to us and has become a cultural icon for children around the world! Even better, Rudolph's story is about how we shouldn't bully others for looking different, but accept them. We can see why Rudolph is such a beloved character.


    Christians celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Jesus of Nazareth, a spiritual leader whose teachings are the foundation of their religion.


    Full Information and History of Marry Christmas 1.jpg


    Important questions:-

    What is Christmas? :-

    Christmas was traditionally a Christian holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but in the early 20th century it also became a secular family holiday, celebrated by Christians and non-Christians alike. in legends.

    When is Christmas celebrated? :-

    Most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25 according to the Gregorian calendar. In Eastern Orthodox churches that continue to use the Julian calendar for religious celebrations, this date corresponds to January 7 of the Gregorian calendar. Gifts are exchanged on Christmas Eve in many European countries and on Christmas morning in North America.

    How do you celebrate Christmas? :-

    Christians and non-Christians alike participate in some of the most beloved Christmas traditions, many of which have no roots in religion. These traditions include decorating evergreen trees - mango trees or bamboo in India; holidays (picnics and fireworks are popular in warmer climates); and giving gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning.

    Does Christmas Have Pagan Origins? :-

    Polytheistic Rome celebrated the feast of the Invincible Sun on December 25, when the return of the Long Day took place. Then came Saturnalia, where people celebrated and gave gifts. The Roman Church began celebrating Christmas on December 25 during the reign of the first Christian emperor, Constantine, apparently to denigrate pagan customs.